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Introducing MailCrab: the crustacean sensation that's taking the dev world by storm! This nifty email test server is like a cozy beach for your development emails to scuttle onto. It's an SMTP server that doesn't just accept all your emails—it throws a party for them with a web interface that lets you spy on your email guests. Peek at their fancy formatted outfits, snoop through their attachment luggage, eavesdrop on their header conversations, or go full detective mode with the complete raw email dossier. MailCrab is platform-agnostic, feeling right at home in both amd64 and arm64 sandboxes, thanks to Docker. Crafted with the speed of Rust, both its pincers—backend and frontend—are snappy and efficient. The backend plays lifeguard, watching over unencrypted email waves on your chosen port, while the frontend is like that one friend who knows all the gossip, fetching email metadata and buzzing when new messages arrive via websocket. Want to open a message? Just click, and voilà! Need to tidy up the beach? Send a few crab commands to mark messages as read, or sweep them away into the ocean. With MailCrab, hosted on RepoCloud, you'll save buckets of sand dollars compared to other cloud hosts. So why wait? Let MailCrab scuttle into your dev life and make email testing a beachy breeze!



  • Efficient Email Testing
  • MailCrab is an email test server that allows developers to efficiently test their email functionalities during development. It accepts all SMTP server emails, making it a versatile tool for various email testing scenarios.
  • Comprehensive Email Inspection
  • With MailCrab, you can view and inspect all incoming emails in a user-friendly web interface. It allows you to view formatted mail, download attachments, view headers, or see the complete raw mail contents, providing a comprehensive overview of your email tests.
  • Lightweight and Versatile
  • MailCrab is a lightweight app, with just a 7.77 MB docker image, making it easy to deploy and run. It is also versatile, running on all amd64 and arm64 platforms using docker.


  • Accept-all SMTP Server
  • MailCrab operates as an accept-all SMTP server, allowing you to test a wide range of email functionalities.
  • Web Interface
  • The app provides a web interface where you can view and inspect all incoming emails, offering a user-friendly way to manage your email tests.
  • Email Inspection Tools
  • MailCrab offers tools to view formatted mail, download attachments, view headers, or see the complete raw mail contents, giving you a detailed insight into your email tests.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility
  • MailCrab is compatible with all amd64 and arm64 platforms using docker, making it a versatile tool for various development environments.