Trilium Notes

Embark on an organizational odyssey with Trilium, the note-taking maestro that transforms your sprawling thoughts into a meticulously crafted knowledge empire. Picture a labyrinth of notes, where each precious idea is nestled in its own cozy nook or boldly strutting in multiple places at once. Unleash your inner wordsmith with a WYSIWYG editor that's more decked out than a unicorn at a disco – tables, images, and math equations will dance at your fingertips, with markdown jazzing things up on the fly. Fancy yourself a code whisperer? Syntax highlighting will make your source code snippets shine like constellations. Trilium's got your back with ninja-like versioning stealth and attributes that organize and query your notes like a personal librarian with superpowers. Sync your brainchild across the digital realm with a self-hosted sync server, and sleep like a baby knowing your intellectual treasures are encrypted tighter than a duck's feathers in a rainstorm. Doodle your way to clarity with Excalidraw, map out your mental metropolis with relation and link maps, and command your domain with a REST API that's like having a genie in a bottle. Hosted on RepoCloud, where the cost is as tiny as an ant at a picnic, Trilium is your trusty steed, ready to gallop through note jungles of epic proportions, all while keeping your wallet as plump as a Thanksgiving turkey. Get ready to note like you've never noted before!



  • Hierarchical Note Taking
  • Organize your notes into a hierarchical tree structure for easy navigation and organization.
  • Rich Editing
  • Edit your notes with a rich WYSIWYG editor, including tables, images, and math equations.
  • Fast and Easy Navigation
  • Quickly navigate between notes, perform full-text searches, and easily hoist notes for focus.
  • Synchronization
  • Sync your notes with a self-hosted server for access from any device.
  • Note Versioning
  • Keep track of note revisions and easily revert to previous versions.
  • Note Organization
  • Use note attributes for organization, querying, and advanced scripting.
  • Sharing and Encryption
  • Share notes publicly and encrypt them for privacy and security.
  • Visualizations and Scripting
  • Create relation maps and link maps to visualize note relationships, and use scripting for automation.
  • Import and Export
  • Import notes from Evernote and Markdown, and export notes for backup or migration.
  • Web Clipper
  • Save web content easily with the built-in web clipper.


  • Hierarchical Note Organization
  • Arrange notes into a tree structure for easy organization and navigation.
  • Rich WYSIWYG Editing
  • Edit notes with a powerful WYSIWYG editor, including support for tables, images, and math equations.
  • Fast Navigation and Search
  • Quickly navigate between notes, perform full-text searches, and hoist notes for focus.
  • Synchronization
  • Sync notes with a self-hosted server for access from any device.
  • Note Versioning
  • Keep track of note revisions and easily revert to previous versions.
  • Note Attributes
  • Use note attributes for organization, querying, and advanced scripting.
  • Sharing and Encryption
  • Share notes publicly and encrypt them for privacy and security.
  • Visualizations and Scripting
  • Create relation maps and link maps to visualize note relationships, and use scripting for automation.
  • Import and Export
  • Import notes from Evernote and Markdown, and export notes for backup or migration.
  • Web Clipper
  • Save web content easily with the built-in web clipper.