
Ever wished you could read your users' minds without the awkwardness of a psychic hotline? Enter Quant-UX, the superhero of usability and prototyping tools! This app is like having a crystal ball for your designs, letting you test and tweak faster than you can say 'user feedback.' With Quant-UX, you can gather data-driven insights that make your design decisions look like pure genius. It's like having a secret weapon in your UX arsenal, minus the spandex suit. So, why settle for guesswork when you can have Quant-UX make you look like the design wizard you truly are?



  • Validate Your Ideas
  • Create a prototype, share a link, and learn through user feedback and analytics.
  • Fast UI Prototyping
  • Use the visual editor to create interactive prototypes in minutes that feel like real apps.
  • Visual Designer
  • Draw app screens, add UI elements, and connect them. Add animations, logic flows, and form validation to make prototypes feel real.
  • Design Systems
  • Use design tokens, components, and master screens to create a scalable design system with ease.
  • Interactive Widgets
  • Use a wide range of ready-to-use, fully functional UI elements for your prototype.
  • AI Assistant
  • Enhanced AI Assistant delivers faster and more accurate results when taking over and simplifying repetitive tasks.
  • User Testing
  • Perform a wide range of usability tests by simply sharing a link with your audience.


  • User Tasks
  • Define user tasks upfront and allow your testers to track their progress.
  • Screen Recordings
  • Automatically records every test for later review.
  • A/B Testing
  • Create alternative versions of your prototype and compare them in an A/B test.
  • Links & QR Codes
  • Scan QR code and your prototype can be tested directly on a mobile device.
  • Analytics
  • Automatically computes relevant insights and visualizes them in the analytic canvas.
  • Heatmaps
  • Understand where users click and if they can find the actionable elements or not.
  • Automatic Evaluation
  • Success rates and other KPIs are automatically extracted from the test data.
  • Drop Offs
  • Find out where users drop off and how long they need for their tasks.
  • Surveys
  • Build surveys into your prototypes to collect direct feedback from your users.