
SaaS Alternative

Evernote OneNote







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Get ready to unleash your inner scribe with Joplin, the open-source note-taker that's like a Swiss Army knife for your thoughts! Whether you're jotting down midnight musings or capturing the essence of that cat video, Joplin's got you covered with support for all sorts of multimedia memos. Fancy yourself a mathematician or a Picasso? Go wild with math expressions and diagrams. And with Joplin Cloud hosting on RepoCloud, you can wave goodbye to those pesky high costs and hello to seamless sharing and collaboration. Clip the web, customize your digital canvas with plugins, and sync across the cyber seas with a fleet of services. Plus, your precious prose is locked down tighter than Fort Knox with end-to-end encryption. So why not let your ideas roam free in the open-format savannah of Joplin, hosted on the wallet-friendly plains of RepoCloud?



  • Multimedia Notes
  • Joplin supports images, videos, PDFs, and audio files. You can create math expressions and diagrams directly from the app, and take photos with the mobile app to save them to a note.
  • Collaboration
  • With Joplin Cloud, you can share your notes with friends, family, or colleagues and collaborate on them. You can also publish a note to the internet and share the URL with others.
  • Web Clipping
  • Joplin provides a web clipper extension, available on Chrome and Firefox, to save web pages or take screenshots as notes.
  • Customization
  • Joplin allows customization with plugins, custom themes, and multiple text editors (Rich Text or Markdown). You can also create your own scripts and plugins using the Extension API.
  • Accessibility
  • Joplin ensures your notes are accessible from any device by synchronizing with various services, including Joplin Cloud, Dropbox, and OneDrive. The app is available on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. A terminal app is also available.
  • Data Ownership
  • Joplin is open source and saves your notes to an open format, ensuring you always have access to them. It uses End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) to secure your notes and ensure only you can access them.


  • Note-Taking
  • Joplin allows you to create and manage notes, to-do lists, and reminders across all your devices.
  • Multimedia Support
  • Joplin supports the inclusion of images, videos, PDFs, and audio files in your notes.
  • Math Expressions and Diagrams
  • You can create math expressions and diagrams directly within the app.
  • Collaboration
  • Joplin Cloud allows you to share your notes and collaborate with others.
  • Web Clipping
  • Joplin provides a web clipper extension for Chrome and Firefox to save web pages or screenshots as notes.
  • Customization
  • Joplin supports plugins, custom themes, and multiple text editors for customization.
  • Synchronization
  • Joplin syncs your notes across devices using various services, including Joplin Cloud, Dropbox, and OneDrive.
  • End-To-End Encryption
  • Joplin uses End-To-End Encryption to secure your notes.